ゲストスピーカーへのお知らせ/Information to the guest speakers


コロナウイルスによる幾つかの変更点/Some changes due to Corona virus


Our worship and service gathering that has been suspended due to CORONA pandemic since the March 2020, has been resumed since the July 2020, and still gathering currently. While we are closed at the venue, we started live streaming our worship and service which continues today, but naturally stopping potluck lunch and afternoon fellowship tea which is still suspended. Worship starts at 1pm as usual, and the talk is expected to start by 130pm, so if you can be available by 1:20pm, you should be fine. (though if possible, please gether by 10min early to pray together before the service). Other procedures and methods are the same as before, so please refer to the follwing writtings for the details.


Thank you for coming to talk to us. We would love you to join us on lunch at 12:00pm, and also Afternoon tea at 3pm, if your time allows.

1. Place and Time: Riverlife Baptist Church, Jennifer St, 17 Mile Rocks, 4073 - Near Jindalee DFO) service starting at 1pm.

2. Sermon: Bilingual (if you need we'll have Interpretor - we have it all the time, no special arrangements needed); Optional to do it all by yourself (how you want to do it is upto your pref, you could bring your interpretor if you'd like.)

Time allocation is 30-40min (bilingual), so English should be 15-20min, (25min max - which will extend the sermon to 1hr max.), so need it to be rather simple and short.

We are recommending have discussion at the end of preach. If so, preach to be 5min shorter (with translation will be total of 10min shorter), and have 40min of discussions with groups. Please prepare 3 questions for discussions.

3. Topic: preferrably relevant to our annual theme in our top page also refer to previous topics in the same pages.

4. If you have a powerpoint presentation, we have facility aspect ratio is 16:9. if you would like us to give bilingual translations, (on your ppt, we can - please send us with mail attachement of your ppt file (.ppt or .pptx, or keynote) at least 2 week in advance to admin@jcf-group.net Please send the title and main bible verses 10 days (1 and 1/2 week) prior to your preach in email.

5. Any questions, please emailme: admin@jcf-group.net (or mobile: Nick Kikuchi 0414979180)


Monthly Meeting Time Schedule

11:30 - Cafe on the left of the main entry is open for Potluck lunch (Please join us as our guests).

12:00 - Lunch begins.

12:45 - Lunch ends, and tidy up and relocate to Chapel.

01:00 - Announcements

01:10 - Worship Praise

01:30 - Talk/And Discussions

02:30~03:00 - Afternoon tea and Fellowship at the Cafe..

04:00- 04:30 - End of Meeting.



1時間と場所:午後1時より、リバーライフバプテスト教会、Jennifer St, 17 Mile Rocks, 4073 (Jindalee DFOの近くです。)





パワーポイントがある場合使うことができます。もし日英の翻訳を入れる場合最低でも2週間前までに、電子メールで、 admin@jcf-group.net まで添付してお送りください。説教の題目と中心聖書箇所は10日(1週間半)前までに電子メールでご連絡下さい。

5他に質問がある場合、メールで admin@jcf-group.net まで(もしくは、携帯 菊地 0414979180)まで。







01:00ー発表 お知らせ

01:10ー礼拝 賛美







JCF Group Ministries

@Brisbane, 2017